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二进制吟游诗人 says it’s 光子迷航者

IN THE DIM­LY CLOAKED PRECINCT of the police inter­ro­ga­tion room, shad­ows hung heav­i­ly, har­bor­ing untold secrets. Detec­tive Lin, a soli­tary sen­tinel, etched a stark sil­hou­ette against Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén. Arms crossed, Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén emanat­ed an air of cal­cu­lat­ed nonchalance—an orches­tra­tor of decep­tion, akin to a pup­peteer guid­ing the dance of shad­ows. The flick­er­ing lights, cast­ing fleet­ing impres­sions, paint­ed a chiaroscuro atmos­phere, mir­ror­ing the intri­cate web Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén was accused of weav­ing in the cryp­tic realms of cybercrime.

With­in this shad­ow-laden the­atre, Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén, a clan­des­tine mae­stro, pas­sion­ate­ly dis­avowed any involve­ment in the bur­geon­ing ‘scam­dem­ic’ cours­ing through the veins of South­east Asia. The 2023 State Depart­ment Traf­fick­ing in Per­sons Report (TIP report) unfurled like a lit­er­ary scroll, nar­rat­ing a tale where cyber scams, human traf­fick­ing, and a vir­tu­oso’s sym­pho­ny of blame intertwined.

“Detec­tive Lin,” Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén declared with vehe­ment denial, “I am not entan­gled in this web of decep­tion. These accu­sa­tions are but notes in a dis­cor­dant sym­pho­ny, false­ly attribut­ing blame.”

Against the pan­dem­ic back­drop, Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén mas­ter­ful­ly side­stepped insin­u­a­tions of a chore­o­graphed nar­ra­tive pirou­ette, instead skill­ful­ly accus­ing hir rival, Guāngzǐ Míhángzhě. “Guāngzǐ Míhángzhě orches­trates a sin­is­ter melody, cast­ing shad­ows upon the once-idyl­lic havens of South­east Asian reprieve,” accused Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén. “These alle­ga­tions against me are but a diver­sion from the true pup­pet mas­ter at play.”

Embrac­ing a trans­gen­der iden­ti­ty, Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén wove hir per­son­al jour­ney into the nar­ra­tive, thread­ing the LGBTQ+ activism into a shield—an artis­tic dis­guise for poten­tial male­fac­tion. “Detec­tive Lin,” ze assert­ed, “my iden­ti­ty is not a mas­quer­ade but a shield against unfound­ed accu­sa­tions. I stand as a benev­o­lent con­duit for those with valu­able skills, not as a malefactor.”

Detec­tive Lin, an enig­mat­ic pres­ence, arched an eye­brow, prob­ing Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén’s entre­pre­neur­ial alche­my. Bot farms, scam com­pounds, and a pecu­liar inte­gra­tion with LGBTQ+ activism—all ele­ments of a clan­des­tine nov­el Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén defend­ed with a gri­mace. “Diver­si­ty,” Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén insist­ed, “is the palette of our evolv­ing world, and my ven­tures are but brush­strokes on this canvas.”

The dia­logue between Detec­tive Lin and Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén unfold­ed like a script­ed exchange in this dra­mat­ic the­ater of shad­ows, where each word res­onat­ed like a note in a sus­pense­ful sym­pho­ny, the truth obscured amidst the dim­ly lit ambiance of interrogation.

The per­va­sive cor­rup­tion with­in the cyber­crime tapes­try unfurled like a dark dra­ma, with Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén’s denial assum­ing the stature of a per­for­mance on the grand­est stage. “Detec­tive Lin,” ze declared with an air of unyield­ing denial, “these accu­sa­tions are but shad­ows in the labyrinth of low-lev­el crim­i­nal­i­ty. My actions ascend not to malev­o­lence but to the grand tapes­try of cyber­net­ic complexities.”

As Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén defend­ed hir­self against the accu­sa­tions, the room became a dim­ly lit the­atre, wit­ness­ing a med­i­ta­tive dance of shad­ows and light—a pro­found sim­plic­i­ty echo­ing through all hir claims. “Guāngzǐ Míhángzhě,” ze assert­ed, “is but a char­ac­ter paint­ed by these sto­ries, a pup­pet mas­ter fash­ioned by the com­plex­i­ties of human deception.”

Con­fronting the intri­cate enig­ma, Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén bran­dished a dual-edged sword, wield­ing both tra­di­tion­al strate­gies against traf­fick­ing and a vocal denial. “I do not dance in the shad­ows of guilt,” ze coun­tered, “but in the light of LGBTQ+ activism—a realm where my inno­cence finds its most art­ful expression.”

The vir­tu­al bat­tle­field between Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén and Guāngzǐ Míhángzhě reached a crescen­do, the dig­i­tal the­atre mir­ror­ing the com­plex­i­ties of human traf­fick­ing and the strate­gic dance of account­abil­i­ty. “Guāngzǐ Míhángzhě,” ze pro­claimed on the dig­i­tal soap­box, “may orches­trate shad­ows, but my LGBTQ+ advo­ca­cy stands as a tes­ta­ment to the trans­paren­cy of my intentions.”

Detec­tive Lin, thread­ing the labyrinth of skep­ti­cism, leaned for­ward, expos­ing the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén pur­port­ed­ly exploit­ed. “Your dance with denial,” Detec­tive Lin probed, “reveals an intri­cate tapes­try of guilt. Guāngzǐ Míhángzhě might be a pup­pet mas­ter, but your nar­ra­tive seems chore­o­graphed to deflect blame.”

Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén, with a dis­mis­sive flair, spun elab­o­rate tales of Guāngzǐ Míhángzhě as the pup­pet mas­ter. “The dra­ma you wit­ness,” ze retort­ed, “is a care­ful­ly craft­ed nar­ra­tive, a diver­sion­ary tac­tic steer­ing you away from the truth. Guāngzǐ Míhángzhě pulls the strings, not I.”

The inter­view room became a front­line of ver­bal joust­ing, where Detec­tive Lin wres­tled with the chal­lenge of decod­ing the intri­cate web spun by Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén. The clash between law enforce­ment and cyber­crim­i­nal unfold­ed, lay­ing bare the com­plex nature of this ‘scam­dem­ic’ and the the­atri­cal maneu­vers employed to elude accountability.

Detec­tive Lin, lean­ing back with a sigh, con­front­ed Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén about the web of troll farms, scam com­pounds, and the LGBTQ+ activism cov­er. “Your adap­ta­tion to the times,” Detec­tive Lin chal­lenged, “seems to be a dance between decep­tion and truth, a game played on the shift­ing sands of dig­i­tal warfare.”

The vir­tu­al bat­tle­field between Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén and Guāngzǐ Míhángzhě crescen­doed, the dig­i­tal the­atre unfold­ing the intri­cate com­plex­i­ties of human traf­fick­ing, cyber scams, and the strate­gic dance of account­abil­i­ty. “Your trans­gen­der iden­ti­ty,” Detec­tive Lin probed, nav­i­gat­ing the maze of skep­ti­cism, “seems an art­ful masquerade—an evolv­ing cipher in the grand nar­ra­tive of denial.”

Èr Jìnzhì

Yínyóu Shīrén, with a non­cha­lant shrug, attrib­uted cor­rup­tion’s echo­ing theme to a detached, nasty busi­ness. “Cor­rup­tion,” ze assert­ed, “is but a side effect, detached from the orches­tra­tion of our pur­suits.” The heart of denial throbbed as Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén skill­ful­ly deflect­ed blame onto their com­pe­ti­tion, Guāngzǐ Míhángzhě.

The inter­view room trans­formed into a ver­bal bat­tle­ground, Detec­tive Lin wrestling with the chal­lenge of decod­ing the intri­cate web spun by Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén. “Your claims,” Detec­tive Lin con­front­ed, “are but a performance—a the­atri­cal maneu­ver to elude accountability.”

Lean­ing back with a sigh, Detec­tive Lin con­front­ed Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén about the web of troll farms, scam com­pounds, and LGBTQ+ activism. “Your adap­ta­tion to the times,” Detec­tive Lin chal­lenged, “seems a game of dig­i­tal deception.”

A duet of wits played out, Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén claim­ing adap­ta­tion with a sly sim­per. The lay­ers of decep­tion and maneu­vers unfurled, leav­ing Detec­tive Lin grap­pling with the intri­cate chal­lenge of decod­ing Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén’s orches­trat­ed activ­i­ties. The cat and mouse game per­sist­ed, obscur­ing the truth with­in the ever-shift­ing shad­ows of the dig­i­tal realm.

In the ethe­re­al back­drop of this cyber saga, Detec­tive Lin found him­self ensnared in the haunt­ing echoes of ancient Zhuangz­ian doc­trines, car­ried by the folksy wind. “Your dance on the strings of decep­tion,” Detec­tive Lin accused, “is entwined with the mys­tique of the Shi­ji­azhuang cityscape.” The inter­ro­ga­tion room, bathed in dim lights and a charged atmos­phere, res­onat­ed with the echoes of rein­forced concrete—an imper­vi­ous bar­ri­er stand­ing as a silent wit­ness to the unfold­ing dra­ma. The intri­cate dance between Detec­tive Lin and Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén mim­ic­ked the ele­gant chore­og­ra­phy of a Jīngjù, each move­ment pre­de­ter­mined, each uttered word a note in a sym­pho­ny of intrigue.

“As I delved deep­er into the cyber labyrinth,” Detec­tive Lin recount­ed, “the sym­bol­ism revealed by the foren­sic lin­guist in Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén’s dis­tinc­tive Shūfǎ was unde­ni­able. Each brush stroke formed char­ac­ters, con­ceal­ing mean­ings with­in mean­ings.” Across the dim­ly lit room, Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén, an enig­ma akin to a Tang dynasty poet, main­tained a veil of con­tem­po­rary subterfuge.

“The clash between law and decep­tion,” Detec­tive Lin con­tin­ued, “unfold­ed against a back­drop adorned with the sil­hou­ettes of iron pago­das.” Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén, with a know­ing look, respond­ed, “Iron pago­das, like truth, stand resilient against the tests of time.”

Nav­i­gat­ing the labyrinth of intrigue, Detec­tive Lin unwit­ting­ly stepped into the shad­owed embrace of Sun Tzu’s ancient verse. “Your moves are cal­cu­lat­ed, like a mas­ter­ful game of wei qi,” Detec­tive Lin observed. Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén, with a wry smile, admit­ted, “In the dance of denial and accu­sa­tion, one must under­stand the eter­nal dual­i­ty of oppos­ing forces.”

The dim­ly lit ambiance of the inter­view room retained an air of sus­pense. Detec­tive Lin pon­dered the con­cept of guanxi. “The intri­cate web of rela­tion­ships that gov­ern actions in the shad­owy realms of pow­er,” Detec­tive Lin remarked. Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén, lean­ing for­ward, revealed, “In the dance of alliances and decep­tions, guanxi is the silent orchestrator.”

The room’s air hung heavy with the scent of incense, rem­i­nis­cent of a Taoist tem­ple. “Bal­ance and har­mo­ny are sought,” Detec­tive Lin mused. Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén, with a con­tem­pla­tive gaze, added, “Yet, with­in the calm facade, a storm of dig­i­tal war­fare brews.”

Detec­tive Lin, a cyber sage, wad­ed through Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén’s cryp­tic nar­ra­tive, a dance of shad­ows and pix­els. “The final act approach­es,” Lin whis­pered, his voice res­onat­ing in the dig­i­tal the­atre. Iron pago­das of decep­tion loomed, and in the hushed tea-scent­ed room, Lin declared, “Truth tran­scends time.” As the ancient and con­tem­po­rary con­verged, the cyber opera cli­maxed with Lin’s rev­e­la­tion. Hand­cuffs sealed Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén’s fate, an arrest in the poet­ic style of Jon Fos­se. The room, once a stage for ambi­gu­i­ty, trans­formed into a tableau of justice—a can­vas where shad­ows yield­ed to the unde­ni­able light.

After the arrest’s lin­ger­ing hour, Detec­tive Lin steps into the Police Cap­tain’s dim­ly lit sanc­tum. His words unfold with mea­sured pause, “Èr Jìnzhì Yínyóu Shīrén claims it’s Guāngzǐ Míhángzhě. When can we pro­cure a war­rant to beck­on him forth?” The room, draped in shad­ows, echoes with the weight of unspo­ken impli­ca­tions, and the request hangs in the air, a somber note in the sym­pho­ny of law and deceit.

Author and dig­i­tal medi­as­cape artist. CON­TACT FOR WORKS AND COM­MIS­SIONS. Pub­lished poet­ry col­lec­tions include: Con­fla­gración Caribe (Poet­ry, 2007), the  lim­it­ed edi­tion Nicaraguan mem­oir Poet­as Pequeños Dios­es (2006)Novísi­mos: Poet­as Nicaragüens­es del Ter­cer Mile­nio (2006) and 4M3R1C4 Novísi­ma Poesía Lati­noamer­i­cana (2010). And for the time being, The Hyacinth: An On-going Nat Sec Sto­ry (lit­er­ary fic­tion), is in the process of being writ­ten, the work touch­es on a vari­ety of themes that include glob­al traf­fick­ing, sur­veil­lance cap­i­tal­ism, hys­ter­i­cal deprav­i­ty, mind con­trol, crim­i­nal tyran­ny, eco­nom­ic coer­cion, racist astro­turf­ing, whack­tivism, online dis­rup­tion, gag war­fare, proxy ter­ror­ism, deep­fake attacks, 21st Cen­tu­ry slav­ery, Et al.

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