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Echoes of Dra­con­ian Voids

THE DULL LUMI­NES­CENCE OF STREET­LIGHTS cast enig­mat­ic shad­ows in the for­got­ten alley behind Caroglio’s noc­tur­nal refuge, reveal­ing the cryp­tic under­bel­ly of a cos­mos enslaved by the tyran­ny that held domin­ion. My con­scious­ness rever­ber­at­ed with the dis­so­nant cadence of a night unspooled, adrift in the labyrinth of throb­bing dystopia. The strat­a­gem, osten­si­bly straightforward—evade the spec­tral ten­drils of a con­vo­lut­ed past, sur­ren­der to the tumul­tuous heart­beat of the night on this celes­tial expanse. Alas, igno­rance clasped hands with des­tiny, lead­ing me on a soli­tary tra­jec­to­ry into the heart of a tem­pest, a sym­pho­ny clan­des­tine­ly orches­trat­ed by the frigid archi­tects lurk­ing in the penum­bra. Amidst the ephemer­al glow and the rever­ber­a­tions of my neb­u­lous choic­es on this ter­ra incog­ni­ta, I found myself ensnared in a tem­pes­tu­ous dis­course, the flick­er­ing embers stoked by the sting of recent treach­ery. A neck­lace, a cher­ished rel­ic from epochs past, clan­des­tine­ly spir­it­ed away by the machi­na­tions of a shad­owy-backed cabal. A neme­sis, once dor­mant in the annals of time, now orches­trat­ed a dis­cor­dant sym­pho­ny, and my strat­a­gem, a bril­liant folly—confrontation, an inad­ver­tent plunge into the crosshairs of a grander, more insid­i­ous machi­na­tion spun by unseen pup­peteers. As the noc­tur­nal ten­sions ascend­ed, a tem­pest brewed with­in, a mélange of ire, betray­al, and a ves­tige of mis­guid­ed resolve. In a fleet­ing moment of inspi­ra­tion (or per­haps mad­ness), I unsheathed a crys­tal, a cold glint shim­mer­ing in the dim­ly lit precincts, a futile defi­ance against the mar­i­onettes that held domin­ion over this astral ter­rain. Nev­er was my intent to harm an inno­cent bystander. Yet, fate, capri­cious as ever, dic­tat­ed a dif­fer­ent course. A woman of two cen­turies, ensnared inno­cent­ly amidst the ten­drils of my ill-fat­ed deci­sions, bore the con­se­quences of my impul­sive for­ay. The night echoed with the cacoph­o­ny of chaos, and guilt, a lead­en bur­den, anchored my gaze upon the unfold­ing tragedy beneath the alien fir­ma­ment. Dis­solv­ing into the obsid­i­an shad­ows emerged as the sole ratio­nal recourse, an impas­sioned endeav­or to elude the reper­cus­sions of my insur­gency against those who wield­ed domin­ion over this undis­cov­ered realm. In the after­math, I chanced upon an enig­mat­ic guide, an arcane tome pur­port­ing to har­bor the con­fi­den­tial means of eman­ci­pat­ing one’s mind from the unseen yoke. A pre­pos­ter­ous notion, yet with­in the labyrinthine cor­ri­dors of my rumi­na­tions, it bur­geoned into a sanc­tu­ary of self-amuse­ment upon this alien stage. Per­haps, had I tra­versed this enig­mat­ic thresh­old, ensnare­ment with­in the web woven by unseen over­lords could have been avert­ed. Dis­patch­es to clan­des­tine watch­ers, unmask­ing the shad­owy agents, a casu­al allu­sion to the covert sanctum—absurd, yet allur­ing in its pre­pos­ter­ous res­o­nance upon this unchart­ed can­vas. Now, as inquisi­tors labo­ri­ous­ly unpick the tapes­try of my inad­ver­tence, con­tem­pla­tion befalls the twist­ed bril­liance (or lack there­of) inher­ent in my choic­es. It tran­spires that the man­tle of the fool, worn defi­ant­ly in the vis­age of unseen domin­ion on this unfa­mil­iar astral plane, births con­se­quences that unfurl like a somber tapes­try beneath the unre­lent­ing scruti­ny. In the recess­es of rumi­na­tions, a whim­si­cal rever­ie persists—perchance, in the vast expanse of this alien ter­rain, an enti­ty enter­tains the notion that I am a clan­des­tine oper­a­tive, veiled in trench coat and sun­glass­es, thwart­ing the veiled strat­a­gems of an unseen domin­ion. The cos­mos, it seems, indulges in a wry jest at my expense, whilst the unseen sov­er­eigns per­sist in their silent sov­er­eign­ty over this unchart­ed realm. 

Author and dig­i­tal medi­as­cape artist. CON­TACT FOR WORKS AND COM­MIS­SIONS. Pub­lished poet­ry col­lec­tions include: Con­fla­gración Caribe (Poet­ry, 2007), the  lim­it­ed edi­tion Nicaraguan mem­oir Poet­as Pequeños Dios­es (2006)Novísi­mos: Poet­as Nicaragüens­es del Ter­cer Mile­nio (2006) and 4M3R1C4 Novísi­ma Poesía Lati­noamer­i­cana (2010). And for the time being, The Hyacinth: An On-going Nat Sec Sto­ry (lit­er­ary fic­tion), is in the process of being writ­ten, the work touch­es on a vari­ety of themes that include glob­al traf­fick­ing, sur­veil­lance cap­i­tal­ism, hys­ter­i­cal deprav­i­ty, mind con­trol, crim­i­nal tyran­ny, eco­nom­ic coer­cion, racist astro­turf­ing, whack­tivism, online dis­rup­tion, gag war­fare, proxy ter­ror­ism, deep­fake attacks, 21st Cen­tu­ry slav­ery, Et al.

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