Trans­la­tions Services

THE ORI­GIN OF TEXT TRANS­LA­TION is gen­er­al­ly traced back to humanity’s most well-known civ­i­liza­tions of antiq­ui­ty such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Chi­na, where roy­al scribes and ancient schol­ars trans­lat­ed reli­gious texts, legal writ­ings and poet­ry from one dead lan­guage to anoth­er. The first cit­ed author trans­la­tions to the West were the Egypt­ian hiero­glyph­ics when they were writ­ten into ancient Greek for the first time, by lin­guist Demetrius of Phaleron in the third cen­tu­ry BCE.

Through­out the Mid­dle Ages Latin became the lan­guage of schol­ar­ship. Writ­ten texts from the Church, and anoth­er cor­pus of doc­u­ments trans­la­tions from Latin into the Old ver­nac­u­lar lan­guages of Europe began to emerge. The demand for trans­la­tions con­tin­ued to grow as Euro­pean soci­eties became more lin­guis­ti­cal­ly diverse and inter­con­nect­ed, lead­ing to a dra­mat­ic increase in lit­er­ary and cul­tur­al pro­duc­tion that endures to the present.


Accord­ing to Eth­no­logue, today Eng­lish is the third most spo­ken lan­guage in the world, with 1.27 bil­lion speak­ers. As a sec­ond lan­guage, 40 mil­lion peo­ple speak Eng­lish in the fran­coph­o­ne world, and 25 mil­lion in Span­ish-speak­ing coun­tries. French is spo­ken by 300 mil­lion peo­ple world­wide. In the Eng­lish-speak­ing world, it is esti­mat­ed that around 2 mil­lion peo­ple speak French as a sec­ond lan­guage, and 7 mil­lion in the Span­ish-speak­ing world. Span­ish is the sec­ond most spo­ken by its lin­guis­tic natives, with approx­i­mate­ly 460 mil­lion speak­ers, with more than 50 mil­lion of those his­panophones in the Unit­ed States while 12 mil­lion speak Span­ish in Fran­coph­o­ne countries.

Eng­lish, French, and Span­ish text trans­la­tion began in the Mid­dle Ages when Latin was the lan­guage of schol­ar­ship and Church and oth­er lit­er­ary texts were trans­lat­ed into Old Eng­lish, Old French and Old Span­ish. Dur­ing the Renais­sance, a note­wor­thy increase in lit­er­ary and every­day pro­duc­tion in Eng­lish, French, and Span­ish writ­ing led to the ded­i­cat­ed trans­la­tion of most­ly pres­ti­gious works of lit­er­a­ture that we read today, as well as sci­en­tif­ic and philo­soph­i­cal trea­tis­es, and offi­cial work­ing documents.


My immer­sion in dif­fer­ent lan­guages start­ed at a very young age. Grow­ing up in a mul­ti­lin­gual house­hold, I was con­stant­ly switch­ing back and forth from Eng­lish to Span­ish in con­ver­sa­tions and in the media I con­sumed. I also made pock­et mon­ey as a teenag­er liv­ing in the anglo­phone Caribbean, trans­lat­ing legal doc­u­ments for my mother.

When I grew up, my new fam­i­ly home was also Fran­coph­o­ne and I spent twelve years liv­ing in Man­agua and speak­ing in French with my Fran­co-Nicaraguan son, and my wife, before we immi­grat­ed to France in 2019. In these last years abroad, I have learned to con­duct my dai­ly affairs as a writer/entrepreneur in France and devel­oped a keen sense for avoid­ing pit­falls and mak­ing the most of my time and resources in a French con­text, while at the same time cul­ti­vat­ed an appre­ci­a­tion of France’s unique culture.

In the uni­ver­si­ty, I stud­ied the Span­ish lan­guage and lin­guis­tics in-depth and worked as a stu­dent trans­lat­ing the Nicaragua Net­work week­ly newslet­ter, teach­ing ESL and speak­ing Eng­lish as a call cen­ter rep work­ing for Yel­low Pages, and a hand­ful of oth­er major US cor­po­ra­tions, most­ly because I had grown up in the Unit­ed States and spoke like a native from Iowa.

After being fea­tured in 4m3r1c4 and in Cír­cu­lo de Poesía, I decid­ed to write The Hyacinth (my work-in-progress) in Eng­lish because I can eas­i­ly write the lan­guage like an author and had already writ­ten thou­sands of pages in web con­tent as a free­lance work­er and as an employ­ee in media BPOs in Nicaragua. I have also trans­lat­ed paper­back nov­els and writ­ten movie sub­ti­tles as an inde­pen­dent con­trac­tor, and worked as an assis­tant trans­la­tor on count­less French-lan­guage offi­cial doc­u­ments under ghost contract.

Since mov­ing to France, I have filed law­suits where I rep­re­sent myself, become a mem­ber of La Mai­son de la poésie de Rennes, and worked with the local Cham­bre de Com­merce et d’Industrie and La Région Bre­tagne writ­ing a busi­ness plan in French. I have also made a num­ber of peer-to-peer busi­ness alliances. Last year I wrote a TV screen­play in French that’s sched­uled to be trans­lat­ed into the Bre­ton lan­guage this year.


Under all hypoth­e­sis, trans­la­tion is not just about con­vert­ing words from one lan­guage to anoth­er. It is about under­stand­ing the type of writ­ing that you’re work­ing with, the intend­ed tone and its cul­tur­al con­text, remain­ing con­nect­ed to the intend­ed audi­ence of the source text and con­vey­ing tran­scen­den­tal mean­ing effec­tive­ly in the tar­get lan­guage. Trans­la­tion is about pro­tect­ing every­thing in the orig­i­nal text with­out leav­ing any­thing out and trans­lat­ing it with qual­i­ty and val­ue into anoth­er language.

To ensure this scal­able lev­el of work, I fol­low a rig­or­ous trans­la­tion method that demands a clear­ly defined process, which includes:
(1) SYN­THE­SIS OF THE SOURCE TEXT: Before I start work­ing on the trans­la­tion itself, I make a pro­found­ly authen­tic human-eye review of the source text to make sure its tone, style, and intend­ed audi­ence are clear­ly defined. This eval­u­a­tion helps me to choose the appro­pri­ate lan­guage and ter­mi­nol­o­gy for the trans­la­tion.
(2) THE TRANS­LA­TION: I work on the writ­ten trans­la­tion itself, using my expe­ri­ence, skills and con­sult­ing with spe­cial­ized ref­er­ences mate­ri­als, and tar­get lan­guage exam­ples to be absolute­ly cer­tain that the texts have the right accu­ra­cy, clar­i­ty, and read with the appro­pri­ate flu­en­cy that the trans­lat­ed text requires.
(3) PROOF­READ­ING: After the trans­la­tions draft is com­plete, I proof­read the text to check for spelling and gram­mat­i­cal errors, incon­sis­ten­cies, and oth­er issues. This mea­sure helps to ensure that the fin­ished doc­u­ment is error-free and reads well.
(4) EDIT­ING: Once the proof­read­ing is com­plet­ed, I edit the doc­u­ment to ensure that it ful­fills the delib­er­ate pur­pose and audi­ence. This activ­i­ty includes doc­u­ment lay­out, and for­mat­ting the text to be an exact dupli­cate of the original.

(5) LAST REVIEW: Before deliv­er­ing the fin­ished prod­uct, I per­form a last review to be pos­i­tive that the trans­la­tion meets my own high­est stan­dards of accu­ra­cy and quality.


As a pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices provider my first order of busi­ness is that your needs are met and your expec­ta­tions for beau­ty and qual­i­ty are sur­passed. I offer a wide range of trans­la­tion ser­vices for dif­fer­ent kinds of doc­u­ments in Eng­lish, French, and Span­ish. Some of the ser­vices I offer include:

I have expe­ri­ence in trans­lat­ing cre­ative writ­ing, includ­ing nov­els, short sto­ries, and poet­ry. I live and breathe that cre­ative writ­ing requires a nuanced and spe­cial­ized read­ing, and I take great care to ensure that my trans­la­tions pre­serve the lit­er­ary devices and tran­scen­den­tal sig­ni­fiers of the orig­i­nal works.

I have the most expe­ri­ence in trans­lat­ing con­tracts, agree­ments, finan­cial reports, busi­ness and mar­ket­ing plans and oth­er enter­prise and legal doc­u­ments. I make sure that all my trans­la­tions not only express the lit­er­al mean­ing of the orig­i­nal text but also recre­ate its tone and direc­tion faith­ful­ly in the tar­get lan­guage’s institutions.

SEO-opti­mized trans­la­tions ser­vices help you expand your online influ­ence. SEO tech­niques like key­word and com­peti­tor research pro­vide accu­rate and well adapt­ed trans­la­tions for dif­fer­ent mar­ket­places, and ensure that your con­tent con­verts. By incor­po­rat­ing an SEO strat­e­gy, your trans­lat­ed con­tent ranks high­er in search engine results, this boosts your vis­i­bil­i­ty and dri­ves more busi­ness. From key­words to meta tags, I local­ize all the opti­miza­tions and pre­serve their orig­i­nal pur­pose and style.

I know my way around an edit­ing suite and am no stranger to set­ting time codes on option­al sub­ti­tles files for com­put­er media play­ers and/or DVDs. I know what it is to watch a movie that wasn’t trans­lat­ed as well as it could have been. I take sub­ti­tles very seri­ous­ly and make sure that your videos retain their intend­ed tone and cen­ter your view­ers’ atten­tion where it needs to be.


When I han­dle your trans­la­tion you can rest assured that you will always receive the most per­son­al­ized lev­els of qual­i­ty, reli­a­bil­i­ty, and pro­fes­sion­al­ism. Just a few of the mea­sur­able rea­sons why you can feel gen­uine­ly con­fi­dent in com­mis­sion­ing a trans­la­tion right now are:

My life­long pas­sion for trans­la­tion makes it more than work, I switch back and fourth from Eng­lish, French and Span­ish, when I speak with my fam­i­ly, when I read the news, when I write, and have a pro­found appre­ci­a­tion for what each lan­guage gives me as a way to view life.

I approach every project with the same excite­ment and ded­i­ca­tion that I did when I first start­ed translating.

As an edu­cat­ed and skilled pro­fes­sion­al I have over 25 years of expe­ri­ence work­ing as a trans­la­tor. I start­ed out trans­lat­ing legal doc­u­ments as a teenag­er, and I have cul­ti­vat­ed the skills, exper­tise and a diver­si­fied pro­fes­sion­al back­ground to pro­vide accu­rate and reli­able trans­la­tions for all your needs.

Dig­i­tal media pro­fes­sion­al, teacher, writer, entre­pre­neur, desk­top pub­lish­er, reg­u­lar pro­gram­mer on xml, css, java, pow­er­shell, batch, C++ and bash. Long-term devel­op­er of a port­fo­lio of Word­Press sites, VPN, mobile hotspots and fire­walls para­noid, Android flash­er, Soft­ware Libre enthu­si­ast, alter­na­tive OS and res­ur­rect­ed net­books buff, SEO man­ag­er and Google Ads nerd, video edi­tor and graph­ic design­er with a tra­di­tion­al media stud­ies back­ground and a Mas­ter’s degree in lit­er­a­ture. I aim to cre­ate pow­er­ful con­tent, arrange the best deliv­ery ser­vices, gath­er and report the most advan­ta­geous ana­lyt­ics infor­ma­tion, and advise a high­ly-diver­si­fied inde­pen­dent media mar­ket­place on how to con­vert valu­able view­ers.

Dig­i­tal media pro­fes­sion­al, teacher, writer, entre­pre­neur, desk­top pub­lish­er, reg­u­lar pro­gram­mer on xml, css, java, pow­er­shell, batch, C++ and bash. Long-term devel­op­er of a port­fo­lio of Word­Press sites, VPN, mobile hotspots and fire­walls para­noid, Android flash­er, Soft­ware Libre enthu­si­ast, alter­na­tive OS and res­ur­rect­ed net­books buff, SEO man­ag­er and Google Ads nerd, video edi­tor and graph­ic design­er with a tra­di­tion­al media stud­ies back­ground and a Mas­ter’s degree in lit­er­a­ture. I aim to cre­ate pow­er­ful con­tent, arrange the best deliv­ery ser­vices, gath­er and report the most advan­ta­geous ana­lyt­ics infor­ma­tion, and advise a high­ly-diver­si­fied inde­pen­dent media mar­ket­place on how to con­vert valu­able viewers.

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