Word­Press Devel­op­ment at its Best



WORD­PRESS is by far the best option that I can always rec­om­mend to almost all my clients. I’ve worked with oth­er CMS’s over the years, and began writ­ing html pages from scratch on Dreamweaver in the 1990’s. I cre­at­ed my first Word­Press site in 2010 and even­tu­al­ly stuck to Word­Press when­ev­er I had a choice. I believe in com­pat­i­bil­i­ty and giv­ing site own­ers as much free­dom as pos­si­ble and true own­er­ship over their sites, long-term sus­tain­abil­i­ty and upgrade access. This is why after years of dab­bling in a num­ber of site plat­forms, I have to grown to devel­op for my clients sole­ly on Word­Press, because for the most part, they are usu­al­ly small busi­ness­es and non-profits.

One of the most valu­able traits that a site can pos­sess is respon­sive­ness and nowa­days, Word­Press is mobile-first right out of the box. Most alter­na­tive CMS’s are cus­tomized or mod­i­fied Word­Press source code and then require hefty invest­ments in keep­ing them up-to-date, which isn’t to say that this can’t also be use­ful. Pro­pri­etary sites can be more secure than open source, how­ev­er they require lev­els of invest­ments that are high­ly imprac­ti­cal for a small or medi­um-size entity.

Word­Press sites are high­ly cus­tomiz­able and can eas­i­ly be what­ev­er you need. What this means is that I can make you a Word­Press site that looks like what you want it to look like, does what you want it to do, and per­forms to per­fec­tion on every device to the fullest com­pat­i­bil­i­ty. Your Word­Press theme is com­plete­ly yours your plu­g­ins are the best in the mar­ket adapt­ed to your needs and your site is friend­ly enough for you or any­one else to man­age it.

Your web­site is where your con­tent is enshrined for all eter­ni­ty! Peo­ple who love what you do like hear­ing about it on pod­casts, watch­ing the videos and read­ing the lat­est news. With time, what­ev­er con­tent for­mats you choose to pro­duce will res­onate through the Inter­net and help you cre­ate a com­mu­ni­ty of unimag­in­able impact.

Every site is opti­mized and ready for SEO, Social inte­gra­tion and prof­itable web mar­ket­ing. Your Word­Press web­site is your office, your store­front and where your com­mu­ni­ty can con­nect best on the Inter­net, its where all your paths lead. Your con­tent needs to be easy as pie to pub­lish, your mer­chan­dise needs to be in your store ready to mail, your ser­vices need to be quot­ed and booked, your phones need to be ring­ing, your mes­sages beep­ing and the mail land­ing in your boxes.

Dig­i­tal media pro­fes­sion­al, teacher, writer, entre­pre­neur, desk­top pub­lish­er, reg­u­lar pro­gram­mer on xml, css, java, pow­er­shell, batch, C++ and bash. Long-term devel­op­er of a port­fo­lio of Word­Press sites, VPN, mobile hotspots and fire­walls para­noid, Android flash­er, Soft­ware Libre enthu­si­ast, alter­na­tive OS and res­ur­rect­ed net­books buff, SEO man­ag­er and Google Ads nerd, video edi­tor and graph­ic design­er with a tra­di­tion­al media stud­ies back­ground and a Mas­ter’s degree in lit­er­a­ture. I aim to cre­ate pow­er­ful con­tent, arrange the best deliv­ery ser­vices, gath­er and report the most advan­ta­geous ana­lyt­ics infor­ma­tion, and advise a high­ly-diver­si­fied inde­pen­dent media mar­ket­place on how to con­vert valu­able view­ers.

Dig­i­tal media pro­fes­sion­al, teacher, writer, entre­pre­neur, desk­top pub­lish­er, reg­u­lar pro­gram­mer on xml, css, java, pow­er­shell, batch, C++ and bash. Long-term devel­op­er of a port­fo­lio of Word­Press sites, VPN, mobile hotspots and fire­walls para­noid, Android flash­er, Soft­ware Libre enthu­si­ast, alter­na­tive OS and res­ur­rect­ed net­books buff, SEO man­ag­er and Google Ads nerd, video edi­tor and graph­ic design­er with a tra­di­tion­al media stud­ies back­ground and a Mas­ter’s degree in lit­er­a­ture. I aim to cre­ate pow­er­ful con­tent, arrange the best deliv­ery ser­vices, gath­er and report the most advan­ta­geous ana­lyt­ics infor­ma­tion, and advise a high­ly-diver­si­fied inde­pen­dent media mar­ket­place on how to con­vert valu­able viewers.

© 2023 — Álvaro Ver­gara, All Rights Reserved.