I BECAME COMPLETELY OBSESSED WITH E‑BOOKS and I quickly found tutorials on YouTube and taught myself how to master the tiniest detail in their design with hand-coded css. I opened a business account on Amazon began to upload completed volumes to KDP and CreateSpace, that meant that I also had to learn how to lay traditional books out by myself on my computer with Adobe InDesign, because before then; I had always relied on others to help me with layout.
In Editorial Indie, I mostly did freelance work for authors who self-publish and worked mostly on practical books and kindle novellas that were somewhat popular on Amazon. Independently, I published a handful of classics like The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Divine Comedy, the two Sherlock Holmes collections and my own 2007 poetry collection, Conflagración Caribe, that the Nicaraguan Ministry of Culture had sponsored.
One of the more rewarding goals in publishing is to improve on the work of authors and to become better editors. The publishing services that I offer my clients are engineered to go beyond what people think are the traditional scope of small press publishing and retail. I like to make sure that I always include information-age first necessities like translations, e‑book and audio book development, digital marketing and global distribution.
This wide-ranging set of services consist of providing support for authors and other actors through a variety of channels that include grants, private sponsorship, pre-sales and crowdfunding. It mainly focuses on finding literary agents and publishing houses for clients that stand to see remarkable economic returns on a manuscript.
Development editing is a service that applies in-depth knowledge of writing and literature and is done before editing. It ensures that the book has a logical order and can also address unconventional literary structures that range from the nonlinear, to the fragmentary, psychological, magical realism, stream-of-consciousness, and indirect freestyle.
Development editing evaluates and analyzes a book’s structure and genre conventions to suggest improvements or missed opportunities. A development editor makes sure there is clarity; it means that the book actually says what it is supposed to say. Another business is making sure the plot is actually there and executed brilliantly. They also coach writers and make sure they exceed their previous efforts.
Copy editing (also known as manuscript editing) is the process of revising written material to improve readability and fitness, as well as to ensure that the text is free from grammatical errors and factual. It is common to apply a style manual to copy editing.
Manuscript editing encompasses simple mechanical corrections (mechanical editing) through sentence-level interventions (line, or stylistic, editing) to substantial editing work on literary style and clarity, disorganized passages, jerky prose, confused tables and figures, etc. In a print publication, copy editing is done before typesetting and again before proofreading.
A “galley proof” (colloquially, “a proof”) is a version consisting of a copy or handwritten document. They may contain typographical errors (“printing errors”), resulting from human error during typesetting. Traditionally, a proofreader examines a text increment on the copy, compares it to the corresponding typesetting increment, and then marks any errors (sometimes called “line changes”) using standard proofreader marks.
Unlike copy editing, the procedure for defining a proofreading service is to work directly with two sets of information at the same time. The proofs are then sent back to the typesetter for correction. Marking cycle proofs will generally have a descriptive term, such as “bounce”, “boost” or “revise” unique to the department or organization and used for clarity to the strict exclusion of any others.
It is customary for all these corrections, however slight, to be sent back to a proofreader to be checked and initialed, thus establishing the principle of greater responsibility for proofreaders in relation to their composers or artists.
Modern literary criticism is often influenced by literary theory, which is the philosophical discussion of the purposes and methods of literature. Although the two activities are closely related, literary critics are not always and have not always been theoreticians.
As a service, this means writing reviews, essays and prologues for the literary works we publish. These different forms of reviews will be published in literary journals, newspapers, academic journals and web pages where the literary work in question is sold.
Literary translation consists of the translation of poetry, plays, literary books, literary texts, as well as songs, nursery rhymes, literary articles, fictional novels, novels, short stories, poems, etc To translate from one language to another is to translate a culture. In literature, the form is as essential to preserve as the content. If the form is not preserved, neither is the poetry.
In the translation of literary texts, puns, allusions, analogies, alliterations, figures of speech and metaphors will always have to be dealt with effectively. As a freelancer I offer translations to and from French, English and Spanish.
Unfortunately, everyone will judge a book by its cover. One might think that an author incapable of displaying good aesthetic taste in the choice of the visual image which represents his work is also unpleasant in the poetics applied to the weaving of the linguistic structures of his sentences, paragraphs and pages; as well as other aspects of the literary artwork like character development, story and cultural references.
A good cover will clearly convey the mostly awaited genre conventions and appeal to a deep subconscious semiosis that target consumers appreciate and that play definitely equates to sales.
Just like a printed book, an e‑book is also an aesthetic artifact. Many e‑books are in html format converted to mobi and/or epub formats with working tables of contents. But there are many more possibilities as far as reader experience is concerned; Kindle has created a plugin that can convert from professional page layout software. It is therefore possible to have all the features that the most stylized magazine has, on both readers—in gray scale or color.
Print-on-demand is the most viable option for freelance and first-time writers; because it saves money, minimizes risk, satisfies readers who refuse to use e‑readers, and can still save more trees than the traditional print edition. There are many sites online for printing books on demand. Independent editorial professional layouts are suitable for all types of print publishing and meet all the technical specifications required by any print-on-demand provider.
My journey as an independent publisher began with an Amazon business account, I was born in ecommerce. I have gained all my experience tackling every bug, technical issue and growing with the platform for almost ten years. At the same time I have built WooCommerce and Shopify stores on the Internet and sold merchandise on Gearbubble and Spring. I am absolutely sure that I can take your publishing project to new hights and ensure your on-going success.
Digital marketing covers all marketing activities deployed online to enter into a relationship with customers or prospects, such as, for example, maintaining a website or blog, social networks, or digital advertising. We believe in engaging readers wherever they are on the internet, whether that means having a state-of-the-art website with an effective SEO strategy or a real social media presence. We will also invest heavily in big data, email marketing and multimedia content production to ensure we get the most out of our literary offering.
They’re like trailers for films, they present a rough cut of a books plot and cater to all the reader’s favorite genre conventions. These will be shown in book presentations and other book events and uploaded to major video streaming and social media platforms for peer-to-peer and segmented digital marketing audiences, in order to promote sales and generate interests in new literary works.
These will be short films that are also poems, this idea works the way a book trailer does in many respects however is wholly unbound to the movie trailer structure and conventions. These films are art films that hold poetry as a central idea for the act of creation. They may be silent and allow cinematic language to recite poetry to the viewer through its own codes.
These range from neatly packaged Zoom video conferences with vignettes, branding, musical scoring, credits and other computer-generated content to documentary-style productions of literary events that can take place anywhere. These are prominent on YouTube and are just what a reader needs when you want to listen to Harold Bloom review Hamlet, or watch an old Juan Rulfo interview on A Fondo, or perhaps Noam Chomsky debate Michel Foucault in La Sorbonne.
This services can include well-loved voice talents and is truly the next big thing in publishing. There are many unsaid things in regards to the development of this product and my hope is to invest in research and development in making this very promising service more accessible to independent and first-time authors.
In this service, we put literary works into the hands of readers in the virtual and physical world and this includes participation in literary and start-up events, such as book markets, book fairs, school readings, universities and libraries, and startup exhibitions throughout France, the rest of Europe, the UK, the US and Canada.
Digital media professional, teacher, writer, entrepreneur, desktop publisher, regular programmer on xml, css, java, powershell, batch, C++ and bash. Long-term developer of a portfolio of WordPress sites, VPN, mobile hotspots and firewalls paranoid, Android flasher, Software Libre enthusiast, alternative OS and resurrected netbooks buff, SEO manager and Google Ads nerd, video editor and graphic designer with a traditional media studies background and a Master’s degree in literature. I aim to create powerful content, arrange the best delivery services, gather and report the most advantageous analytics information, and advise a highly-diversified independent media marketplace on how to convert valuable viewers.
Digital media professional, teacher, writer, entrepreneur, desktop publisher, regular programmer on xml, css, java, powershell, batch, C++ and bash. Long-term developer of a portfolio of WordPress sites, VPN, mobile hotspots and firewalls paranoid, Android flasher, Software Libre enthusiast, alternative OS and resurrected netbooks buff, SEO manager and Google Ads nerd, video editor and graphic designer with a traditional media studies background and a Master’s degree in literature. I aim to create powerful content, arrange the best delivery services, gather and report the most advantageous analytics information, and advise a highly-diversified independent media marketplace on how to convert valuable viewers.
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